Ending PCP and HP Early – How to Settle Car Finance


Purchasing a car through Personal Contract Purchase (PCP) or Hire Purchase (HP) agreements has become a popular choice for many individuals. These bad credit car financing options provide a flexible and affordable means to drive a new or used vehicle. However, circumstances can change, and there might come a time when you need to end your PCP or HP agreement early. This article aims to guide you through the process of settling car finance ahead of schedule, exploring the options available and the factors to consider when making such a decision.

Two people engaged in a discussion about ending a car finance agreement early, seated at a table with documents spread out before them

Understanding PCP and HP Agreements

Before delving into the ways to end a PCP or HP agreement early, it’s essential to understand what these financing options entail.

  1. Personal Contract Purchase (PCP): PCP is a popular choice for those who want a new car every few years. It involves a deposit, followed by monthly payments for a set period. At the end of the agreement, you have the option to buy the car by making a final payment (often referred to as a “balloon payment”), return the car, or use any equity as a deposit for a new PCP agreement.
  2. Hire Purchase (HP): HP agreements involve monthly payments, too. However, unlike PCP, at the end of the agreement, you automatically become the owner of the car. Until the final payment is made, the car technically belongs to the finance company.

Reasons to End PCP or HP Early

Life is unpredictable, and circumstances can change unexpectedly. Several situations might lead you to consider ending your PCP or HP agreement prematurely:

  1. Financial Hardship: Job loss, salary reduction, or unforeseen financial burdens may make it difficult to keep up with monthly payments.
  2. Change in Lifestyle: Marriage, parenthood, or a move to a different location might prompt the need for a different type of vehicle.
  3. Excess Mileage: If you’re approaching the mileage limit stipulated in your PCP agreement, you might decide it’s more cost-effective to exit the agreement early.
  4. Equity: If your car has gained value over the course of the agreement, you might want to capitalize on that equity by selling the car.
  5. Interest Savings: Early settlement could potentially save you money on interest payments.

Ways to End PCP or HP Early

When considering ending your PCP or HP agreement early, several options are available. It’s essential to carefully evaluate each choice to determine which one best aligns with your circumstances and goals:

  1. Voluntary Termination: If you’ve paid at least half of the total amount payable (including any fees and interest), you have the right to return the car without any additional payments. This is known as voluntary termination. It’s important to note that you must take care of the vehicle and not exceed the agreed-upon mileage limit.
  2. Settlement Figure: Contact your finance company to obtain a settlement figure. This is the amount required to fully settle the finance agreement, including the outstanding balance and any early settlement fees.
  3. Sell the Car: You can sell the car privately to pay off the remaining balance. If the sale price is higher than the settlement figure, you can use the excess to cover other expenses or as a down payment for a new vehicle.
  4. Part Exchange: If you wish to get a new car, some dealerships might allow you to part-exchange your current car and use its value toward a new purchase. Be sure to compare offers from different dealerships.

Factors to Consider

Ending a PCP or HP agreement early is a significant financial decision that requires careful consideration:

  1. Early Settlement Fees: Check the terms of your agreement for any early settlement fees or penalties. These fees can impact the overall cost-effectiveness of ending the agreement prematurely.
  2. Depreciation: Consider the rate of depreciation of your car. Vehicles often lose value quickly, so ensure you’re aware of the current market value before making a decision.
  3. Equity: If you have positive equity (the car is worth more than the settlement figure), selling the car could be a financially beneficial option.
  4. Alternative Financing: Explore other financing options that might better suit your current circumstances, such as refinancing or taking out a personal loan.
  5. Future Needs: Assess your future transportation needs. Will you need a car in the near future? Will your circumstances change again?


Ending a PCP or HP agreement early requires careful evaluation of your financial situation, the terms of your agreement, and your future needs. While these financing options offer flexibility, it’s essential to be aware of the potential costs and benefits associated with settling car finance ahead of schedule. Whether you choose voluntary termination, selling the car, or exploring alternative financing options, being well-informed and making a well-considered decision will help you navigate this process smoothly and effectively.

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